Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Compare and contrast(skill post 1)

    In writing class, we had a homework about compare cantrast about 3 camps. Those 3 camp's name is camp Big Apple,Ranch West camp, and Head Start Splash. In those 3 choices, I chosen the camp Big Apple. The reason why I chose the caamp Big Apple is because you learn from teachers who are really smart and is master degree. So you can trust your teachers and you can higher your English skill and also math skill. And this camp is not too long or not too short. It's3 weeks so you can learn lot's of things in 3 weeks. And now I 'll compare with these 3 camps

These 3 camps' similar thing is that first, they are all international camps. There are lo's of people comes from each different countries. So you have to use English to communicate with each other. However it can make your English skill more and more better. Also, you will get more used to say English.Thus they are all from different countries, you can get togerther and have a good camp time.Second these camps are all about studying. Poeple goes to there to learn how to be more good at English, Math and other things. Also, there are some different things with these 3camps. Which that is on the other hand is called contrast. First, it's that the week staying in there is is all diferent. One is 3weeks other is 4weeks and the other is 5weeks. It's all different. Second the place where this camp is held is different. One is held in New York, and some islands.

By doing compare and contrast, I can know that everything has same things and different things. Also, now I know how to find the same and different things. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    You have completed the assignment but I think we need to work a little on making your contrast a little bit deeper. I am not sure what this sentence means:
    "Which that is on the other hand is called contrast."
    Also, I think you misused the word "however". It has a meaning similar to "but".
