Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Paraphrasing ( Science)

                     The digital assesment measured a students ability to find informations by computers.

Skills post 2 (Summarzing) Book called "Science" page 140

                          They did some kind of digital competitions. And South Korean students beat out their peers from 18 other countries. In the first assesment of digital literacy. But the girls pot higher score than the boys form average 24 points. The digital assesment measured a students ability to follow hyperlinks to obtain information on.

Skills post 2 (paraphrasing) Bear attacks

Paraphrasing 4th paragraph.

It shows that getting attacked by bear is more less than drowning. More than 101 people drowned and 5 people got attacked by bear.

Skills post1 (edit) Compare and contrast

                    Camp big Apple, Ranch West camp, and Head Start splash. With these 3 camps there are

many things to compare and contrast. For my opinion, I think Camp Big Apple is the best.

                    To do compare and contrast, I have to know about good things and bad things about these camps.
Camp Big Apple: -Teachers are at least master degree so you can trust them.
                           -It's too noisy because it's held in NewYork.
                           -Can prepare for important tests.
                           -It's only 3 weeks that you don't have much time to learn.
Ranch West Camp: -You can choose subject so you will be more participate at studying. Because that's what you like!
                              -It's far from the city, so it's not a good place to study.
                              -It's 4 weeks and it's long enough for learning English.
                              -You can only learn 1 subject.
Head Start Splash: -You can experience nature and get used to it.
                             -Beach is too close so it will make you want to go to the beach.
                             -You can be with your family.
                             -It's too long.

                             All of camps have goods and bads. But still I think that Camp Big Apple is the best.

Now, to compare and contrast 3 camps it will be more easier because wrote about goods and bads. 
                             I will compare before doing contrast. To compare these camps, there isn't a lot of things.

But I will start with the first one. The thing that is same is that we use English in all of the camps. Also, it's   

international camp, so many people arev coming form different countries. So to communicate with them, they

have to use English, and that will make your English skill better. Second the purpose of going to those camps

are same. The reason  why yhey are going to those camps are to learn English skills and Higher your math

scores and some other tests. I think these are all for the comparing. So I will move on to contrasting. The

thing is that is different is that they learn things like English like the same. But for their hobby, or their favorite

subject, it's all different. We can learn different things. Also, the different thing is the place where it's held is 

different, one is held in USA, one is held in Canada. and the other is held in Philippines.

                        By doing compare and contrast, I could know lot's of same things and different things. I think

this will make me more easy to understand and write comparing and contrasting homework. And still, i think

camp Big Apple is the best!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Skill post 2


Shark Attacks

    This article is mainly about shark attacks. Lot's of people think that they will attack them, but actually they don't. Like, there are more accidents about struck by lightning than getting attacked by shark. For real, in the coastal states of the U.S, about 180 people got struck by lightning, but only 11 people got attacked by sharks. Also, there are several ways to reduce the chances of being attacked by a shark. It's that to travel in groups. Sharks are more likely to attack a solitary. And, stay out of water if you got hurt or have a cut, because sharks have a good sense of smell.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Funny Video

This is funny video I chosed this topic because laughing is really good for your health. And it cause good things in your life. Some of scientist says that if you laugh really hard one time it will make you to live 3hours more. But when you get mad or angry as the opposite, your life will get 3hours more shorter. Just by laughing and getting mad can make your life more longer and more shorter. If you can't laugh a lot because of your hard life, you can see funny things as the video on the top. And that will make you feel more better and it will also make your life more longer. So I hope lot's of poeple sees these kinds of videos and have a fun and more longer life. Also I hope you laughed by watching this video!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

My Diary

Food Nutrition Eating Health Diet <span style='font-weight: bold'></span>
August 6th Saturday
Dear Diary,
Poland, where I 'm living, it's not really hot in summer. So I just stayed in home and watched television all day. It was really boring so I ate things. I ate spagetti for breakfast. My mo is really good at making spagetties. So our family's favorite food is spagetti. Oh, and I haven't talked about my family. I don't have any brother or sister. I'm alone. Sometimes it's sad to be alone.(That's the reason why I have a cute puppy.)But sometimes it's happy that I'm alone. And my grandma and grandpa  lives with my family. They are both really nice to me a lot! Also, my mom and dad, they are nice too. But sometimes they are man to me. Also My dad works in Big company called "Apple" and he's the leader of that company.(The one in the Poland.) But my mom just stays in home and play with her old friends...... Go back to the foods...... Okay for the lunch, we ate some pizzas. I don't really like pizza. But it's good to eat for lunch. And special thing is that our family doesn't eat dinner. We eat snacks for dinner. I know it's not god for our health... But..... it's so delicious. Afterb eating dinner with snacks, I ate some crackers.  Those crackers taste like bread. And before going to the bed, I eat some drinks and some fruits. Also, the m&m's chocolate. Our family eats a lot because we have money to buy things. Also the picture on the top shows that how much our family eats for 1 week. It's 151.27 dollars. I think it's a lot!!!!! So I think from now on, I would never ever waste money a lot to just eat.
wirtten by Julie (Seo Hyo Ryung)

I got this picture from,29307,1626519_1373680,00.html

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Chain writing

Every night in the restroom, there had a noise it sound like a women crying. The family was scared. Simon was the most scared person and he always cried. And actually Simon was a woman who cried in a restroom. Her real name was Simona. The most surprising thing was Simon loves Simona. They married and had ason called Brian. He was very strong so he became king of China but he didn't died until he was 10000000000000years old. When he became 9999999999999years old, he bought iphone white. He was left with one level of Angrybird. Brian met Simona at the heaven. Simona and Brian fell in love. But they couldn't get married because Simona was already marridto Simon. So Brian decided to kill Simon who was playing Angrybird. When Brian tried to kill Simon, Simona stopped playing Angrybird and turned around. And he said "Stop it!" Simon said to Brian, "You are my son.Why are you trying to kill me and marry your mother?" Brian didn't say a word. Just then Simona did the last level of Angrybird. Simonanwas really happy and tell every people in the heaven to go to the restaurant for the meal. The meal was Angrybirds so Simona was dead because of stress.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Compare and contrast(skill post 1)

    In writing class, we had a homework about compare cantrast about 3 camps. Those 3 camp's name is camp Big Apple,Ranch West camp, and Head Start Splash. In those 3 choices, I chosen the camp Big Apple. The reason why I chose the caamp Big Apple is because you learn from teachers who are really smart and is master degree. So you can trust your teachers and you can higher your English skill and also math skill. And this camp is not too long or not too short. It's3 weeks so you can learn lot's of things in 3 weeks. And now I 'll compare with these 3 camps

These 3 camps' similar thing is that first, they are all international camps. There are lo's of people comes from each different countries. So you have to use English to communicate with each other. However it can make your English skill more and more better. Also, you will get more used to say English.Thus they are all from different countries, you can get togerther and have a good camp time.Second these camps are all about studying. Poeple goes to there to learn how to be more good at English, Math and other things. Also, there are some different things with these 3camps. Which that is on the other hand is called contrast. First, it's that the week staying in there is is all diferent. One is 3weeks other is 4weeks and the other is 5weeks. It's all different. Second the place where this camp is held is different. One is held in New York, and some islands.

By doing compare and contrast, I can know that everything has same things and different things. Also, now I know how to find the same and different things.